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Volunteer with the Coyotes Last updated: May 11 2023 12:01:24

  Help us deliver our Hockey Programs!

As we get closer to our AGM on May 17th, the Applewood Coyotes is looking for volunteers for the 2023-24 season.
Do you have a few hours to help us?

You are welcome to join the Board of Directors, but that is not necessary to be part of the Applewood team. Like hockey, we encourage fun, and enthusiasm is the only skill required!

Here are just some examples of how you can help, but whatever your interest we will be happy to have you as part of Applewood Hockey!

Help promote Applewood within the community, encouraging local businesses to sponsor a team or the organization.
Requires a few hours at the start of the season - contacting team managers, maintaining a record of sponsorships, coordinating the advertising of sponsors with our webmaster and advising the uniform director.

Social Committee
Help us put on community events during the season. In the past that has included Association BBQ’s, the Dinner Dance, Coaches Appreciation night, Trophy Days, U7 Timbits Christmas and Year End parties.

House League Convenors
If you love watching hockey, could you spend a couple of hours a week in the first four to six weeks of the season? You will represent Applewood working with the MHL and other association reps to make sure teams and players are placed at the correct team level.

First Shift Program
Do you have an hour on a Sunday to help out on the ice for the six week First Shift introductory hockey program? Students looking for volunteer hours are welcome.

Could you help us with one of our Sportwear sales, or maybe the sizing sessions for our A and Gold teams? A few hours is all that's needed.

If you can help with one of these positions or just have a few hours to give, please contact:

Wendy Webster at

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